The Sir Frank Bowden Memorial Taikai on 26th September 2015 will consist of teams of 5 players aged 18 years of age and above, a minimum of 3 persons being registered to the same Dojo or club within the British Kendo Association. To cater for smaller clubs who may not have sufficient registered members to take part, the other two team members can be either BKA dojo members or any other BKA members.

Pool and knock out systems will be decided by the Kendo Bu and IKF/EKF rules will apply. However, the use of Tsuki will not be permitted in mixed male and female matches except a match involving a Jodan or Nito player. Qualifying age is taken from the 1st January of the year of competition. All participants must be fully paid up members of the BKA prior to the date of the Taikai and may be required to supply their BKA membership number at registration.

Team entry fee will be £30 per team and should be booked and paid by a team representative through the BKA online booking system by going through your account at

The event will take place at Q3 Academy

Wilderness Lane
Great Barr
West Midlands
B43 7SD

Registration 9.30
Keiko at 10.00
Competition start at 11.00.