Coaching and Mentoring
Currently the Iaido and Jodo bu’s run coaching courses for BKA members. The courses are inclusive and we have had several Kendo members attend them, nothing in the courses is art-specific.
The coaching structure consists of two main courses, Level 1 and Level 2. A brief description of each level is given below and see links to the opening course documents for more information:
Level 1 – Aimed at creating new coaches within the BKA. The course mainly looks at the statutory items that coaches need to be aware of such as health and safety, child protection etc. with some time devoted to developing one’s coaching style. This course is the minimum qualification needed to set up dojos within the BKA and apply for coaching insurance. The minimum grade to apply for this course is shodan.
Level 2 – Aimed at developing coaching skills into the future and “coaching athletes” i.e. how to get the best out of each of your students. Most of the course looks at developing coaching techniques and style with an emphasis on practical application. Applicants will have needed to have completed the Level 1 course as well as achieving circa 100 hours of live coaching martial arts since completing Level 1. The minimum grade to apply for this course is nidan.
Upcoming courses:
Please refer to the BKA calendar and this webpage for further details of courses.