Sensei Hayashi hachidan is visiting the U.K. for a week of kendo this week, his schedule is as follows:

Thursday 8th June 8:30 to 10:00 pm
Sanshukan Kendo Club
Kings International College
Watchetts Drive
GU15 2PQ

Friday 9th June 7 to 8:45 pm
Smallheath Leisure Centre
Muntz Street
Small Heath
B10 9RX

Weekend 10th June Seminar
Saturday 10th 10am to 5pm
Sunday 11th 10am to 5pm
Q3 Academy
Wilderness Lane
Great Barr
West Midlands
B43 7SD

Tuesday 13th June 8 to 10pm
Mumeishi Kendo Club
Cranford Community College, Hounslow,
Middlesex. London, TW5 9PD.
Tel: 020 8897 6609