Dear Jodoka,
Following last year’s successful Taikai safely held under difficult circumstances thanks to the fine co-operation shown by all competitors, I feel confident enough to hold the Eishinkan Taikai again this year.
I realise that the timing of the EJC in September makes the Autumn schedule very busy but please try to see the event as a chance to relax, have some fun and to introduce your beginners to shiai in an easy-going and relaxed atmosphere.
Please try to arrive at the Millmead Hall, Haversham Rd, Wolverton, Bucks by 10:00 ready for a 10:30 start on Saturday 22nd October.
We plan to finish the final matches by late afternoon, followed by a late lunch/early supper for everyone attending – vegetarian option provided – but please bring your own drinks (cake would also be welcome!).
Please note: This is a Dojo Taikai so at least 2 members from a team must be from the same Dojo.
Full details available in the flyer below, along with the application form.
Hope to see you there!
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