Watchet Kendo Seminar and Grading 27th, 28th May 2017
This year the “Watchet” seminar will still be at Danesfield School and will be on 27th & 28th of May.
The seminar will be held at:
Danesford School, North Road, Wilton, Somerset, TA4 4SW
Accommodation list here www.watchettowncouncil.or g/accommodation.php
On 27th & 28th May
Saturday 27th Seminar led by Geoff Salmon Kyoshi Nanadan 10:00 to 17:00
Sunday 28th Seminar led by Geoff Salmon Kyoshi Nanadan 10:00 – 12:30
Sunday 28th Grading 13:00-15:30
Discounted prices :
Adult Both Days £35 (Saturday only £25, Sunday only £15)
Junior Both Days £25 (Saturday Only £15, Sunday Only £10)
2012 prices maintained! From 7th May these prices will increase by 33% – so book now to avoid paying more http://membership.kendo.o
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