Dear Jodobu members,
Sadly it has been decided, after consultation with this weekend attendees, that the 2018 Jodo National Championships and IT session are to be cancelled.
We are looking to reschedule the events for the weekend 14/15th April at the same venue but await confirmation.
I have now full information for the Spring Seminar and Grading.
As you are aware the seminar will be held at the studio Dance, Cambridge University until midday, Sunday 18th March. We will then move on to the Comberton venue for more training starting at 13:15.
The grading set up and registration is scheduled for 14:30.
As the venue closes at 16:00, the place will have to be vacated by then.
The updated flyer is available below:
Updated Jodo Spring Seminar & Grading 2018 (PDF)
Early booking fee for the seminar finishes on Saturday.
Best regards,
Stojanka Vidinic.
BKA Jodo bucho.
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