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Pre-AGM Grading Seminar 2019

Date: July 6, 2019, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Venue: Walthamstow Academy

Category: Kendo


To prepare candidates for grading such that they can practice their style and grading presentation in their own dojo prior to a physical grading event.


John O’Sullivan, 7th dan Kyoshi

Gary O’Donnell 7th dan Renshi

Other senior sensei may be available and we will announce TBA.

PART 1 – All Attendees

Discussion/presentation to all candidates: –

  1. To discuss and illustrate how every grade has an “image” and how candidates should project such an image during a grading Shinsa.
  2. Chakuso and Reiho appearance/demeanour and entering the Shinsajo – “why first impressions count” – discuss important points and how best to address them

PART 2 – Groups

The seminar will split attendees into two groups:

  • Group 1: Ikkyu to Nidan (Focus on Shikake Waza and basic forms of seme)
  • Group 2: Sandan to Yondan. This group may include over 40s Kendoka of lower grade as appropriate (focus on more sophisticated manifestations of Seme and the application of a grading strategy).
  • Groups will warm up together

Group 1 schedule:

  1. To demonstrate what the grading panel are looking for – what you should be doing (Desirable characteristics)
  2. To identify and explain what you should not be doing in a Shinsa
  3. All attendees to practice item “1” above and develop an understanding of how to recognise and circumvent items under “2”
  4. At this point the attendees will be split into grades and will perform several dummy grading bouts with each other. The sensei will give a verbal 121 debrief as each finishes a bout. They will also recommend what style of practice the attendee should be undertaking when he/she returns to their own dojo.
  5. Shido Geiko in peer groups and with the sensei to finish the session

Group 2 Schedule:

Discussion – this group is typically older than group 1 with many members in their 40s, 50s and even 60s. The key issue is how should such Kendoka practice to best enable Shinsa success – certainly not like 18 to 30 year old Kendoka! So How can this be done?

  1. To demonstrate and practice how older Kendoka should practice keiko and how to approach Shinsa Geiko.
  2. To demonstrate techniques and approaches that are generally preferred for maximum effect at Yondan Shinsa e.g. a sophisticated seme men where there is clear application of timing and an effective approach, Debana men, Debana Kote, Suriage Men, Kaeshi Do etc; but not say Tsuki (or Dou if their technique lacks refinement)
  3. To demonstrate what the grading panel are looking for – what you should be doing in terms of rhythm, key physical indicators and what the aspect of a teacher constitutes
  4. To identify and explain what you should not be doing in a Shinsa
  5. All attendees to practice item “2” and “3” above and how to recognise and circumvent items under “4”
  6. At this point the attendees will be split into grades and will perform a Shinsa geiko. The sensei will give a verbal 121 debrief as each finishes a bout. They will also recommend styles and approaches to practice the attendee should be undertaking when he/she returns to their own dojo.
  7. Shinsa Keiko in peer groups and with the sensei to finish the session

PART 3 – Close

The sensei will summarise the key factors highlighted in the day’s seminar explaining their own indicators for success and depending on the time available will answer questions from the floor.