Please note that if you intend to attend either of these courses that you are required to request the Course/Delegate notes in advance for study and do preparation. These are available from our Coaching Programme Officer and even if you have received these third hand, the CPO requests you contact him to confirm you have the notes. Please also make sure you have booked onto the course before requesting the notes.
If you are on the January Hove course and have not requested the notes yet from the CPO, then please do it quickly, as the closing date for requesting the notes has already passed (with Hove course applications now closed).
If you are attending the February Edinburgh course, the closing date for registering and requesting notes is very near, so please act soon.
To all participants, Iaido, Jodo and Kendo: this is a Iaido/Jodo led course, but suitable for Kendo-ka with minimal preparation. The reading materials explain the preparation that needs to be done in advance for this course, so please read the notes carefully. The CPO reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who is not properly prepared as this will affect the quality of the course delivery.
Any questions, then please contact the Coaching Programme Officer:
(Martin Clark sensei):
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