Kendo Bu Statement – July

The team and I hope that everyone is keeping fit and well.

Sadly, we have been informed that the Guildford venue will not be available in August and will not reopen until September. So, there will be no event in August.

Many of you may be considering a return to training. The BU cannot take responsibility for this decision as there are simply too many variables across countries, regions, venues and group demographics to take into account. Those best placed for leading on such a decision are your local leaders and officers who will hopefully do this in consultation with membership.

The Bu has however produced some detailed guidelines to help you make this decision and to ensure that you have the information needed to make informed decisions and to enable dojos/groups to incorporate best practice into local plans. We feel it is essential to prepare and agree such a local plan before deciding to commence training again.

COVID 19 Keiko Guidelines

The current government guidelines (England) on playing sport with others state that:

“You can exercise or play sport in groups of up to 6 people from other households but should only do so where it is possible to maintain a 2-metre gap from those you do not live with. You will be able to play sport outdoors in groups of more than 6 people and without social distancing if they are all from your household or in your support bubble.

People who play team sports can meet to train together and do things like conditioning or fitness sessions but not in groups of more than 6 and you should be 2 metres apart at all times. While groups could practise their basic skills, they should if possible not share equipment, and strong hand hygiene practices should be in place before and after.

You can also train one to one with people from outside of your household as long as you remain 2 metres apart wherever possible. Any equipment that is used should be cleaned frequently. Cleaning should be particularly thorough if equipment is to be used/handled by someone else.

If you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household, or your support bubble, are self-isolating, you should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving lives”.

Sources of Government Guidance

You may also wish to renew and update your dojo/group’s Risk assessment documentation