Kendo Bu Statement 15 October 2020 v3
Kendo Bu Statement – October
Fellow Kendoka
We hope that everyone remains fit and well.
On Monday evening (12/10/20) Boris Johnson announced new regulations from the UK government for England (only) that will apply from 00.01 on Wednesday 14 October.
The full text of the guidelines can be found at the following url:-
Excerpts from the relevant conditions that apply to kendo training at BKA dojo based in England are included below: –
- Local COVID alert level: medium (Tier 1)
- exercise classes and organised sport can continue to take place outdoors, or indoors if the rule of 6is followed
This is the condition under which we have been operating for the past few weeks. Arrangements are unchanged.
- Local COVID alert level: High & Very High (Tier 2 and 3)
- exercise classes and organised sport can continue to take place outdoors. These will only be permitted indoors if it is possible for people to avoid mixing with people they do not live with or share a support bubble with, or for youth or disability sport.
This is a new restriction that will impact on all dojos that train in areas under these new and more stringent designations
Kendo Bu Impact Statement:
On the 24th September 2020 the Kendo Bu issued recommendations in a document entitled “BKA COVID – 19 Kendo Training Guidelines (Kendo Bu) V3”. This document remains a valid source of guidance for COVID restricted areas designated MEDIUM (Tier 1).
However! It seems clear that in the areas in England designated as HIGH and VERY HIGH (Tier 2 and 3), there cannot be any indoor kendo activity except for that which might take place between people from the same household or bubble, activity that is exclusively for children and activity that is exclusively for the disabled. For dojo operating on COVID secure premises this may mean that sessions can be held doing solo Kihon provided that members attend on their own and do not mix at any point.
These rules apply to residents of Tier 2 and 3 even when they are not in their own area.
Outdoor practice can still take place in these areas following the rule of 6.
You can find out which alert level applies to your area at the following url:
Members should also keep an eye on their local authority’s website as further local restrictions can still be added.
In addition all kendoka should be aware that there are detailed notes and an FAQ section for each Tier in the Members’ Document Library, as well as an explanation of the types of lockdown and their rules. Further documents deal with the rules in all 4 nations of the UK. You can access this information on the BKA website by logging in and going to the following url:
The Kendo Bu would ask that all groups and members take account of these new restrictions and continue to comply with national and local government regulations and guidelines so as not to break the law or violate our insurance policy commitments.
John O’Sullivan Kyoshi Nanadan, Gary O’Donnell Kyoshi Nanadan, Young Park Sensei, Ben Emberley
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