Invitation to the Nenriki dojo 50th anniversary Taikai and jigeiko.  

All BKA members are most warmly invited to the celebratory Nenriki Taikai on Saturday 04 June 2016.

There will be an explanatory session at the beginning showing the development of shinai kendo from old schools and the relationship with ZNKR kata.

Entry Fee: £5 ; Registration: 1:00PM-1:30PM

It would greatly help us in planning if you would please email us at to let us know you are coming – otherwise, just turn up!

Venue: LSBU Sports Centre, Academy of Sport, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA

For more information & directions:


The development of shinai kendo : 1:30PM-2:15PM

Shiai: 2:15PM-4.15PM

Ji Geiko: 4:15PM-5:00PM

Drink in the Rising Sun. 50 years in the same pub!