We are pleased to announce that the annual Fine Ladies Kendo Seminar will be replaced with a series of ‘online’ Zoom sessions at the end of this month with the following details. Registration will be required so please use below link to apply. Under the yet continuing lockdown in the UK while restricted activities continue in other countries due to COVID-19 fears, we will run sessions that are suitable for all kendo & fitness levels and are enjoyable to all.
We look forward to seeing you ‘on screen’!
Fine Ladies Zoom ‘Online’ Kendo Sessions
Thursday 25th, Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th June 2020
Thursday 25th June 2020 – 7 – 8pm – mix session with Kodokan members both male & female members
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th June 2020 – 10 – 11am – Female only sessions
Session each day includes: Kendo Kata, Basic and advanced exercises with shinai.
Open to female kenshi of all ages.
Sessions are free.
Any risk during the session is yours.
Sessions will be led by Kazuyo Matsuda supported by Paul Budden sensei both from Kodokan Kendo Club
Registration is required via link here:
Any queries please contact us at info@kodokankendo.org
In respect of taking part in any remote coaching sessions participants are advised that BKA insurance will not cover either the coaches or members involved. You are further advised:
- a) that by participating you are doing so at your own risk and must take all suitable/required precautions to ensure a safe environment and safe equipment;
- b) that appropriate footwear is worn or a suitable floor space is prepared with any potential obstructions/hazards in the vicinity removed before the activity can begin;
- c) to avoid activities if you have, or suspect you may have any current health concerns or injuries;
- d) to avoid physical contact with others and comply fully with the most up to date social distancing guidelines;
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