Event Details

Dear Members,

The BKA is holding a Coaching Course for Levels 1 and 2

Run by Frank Stojano, 4th Dan, Dojo Leader of the Tsurugibashi Dojo, Cambridge.

Date and time:
Sunday 1st October 23rd September 10:00am-17:00pm
The Pavillion, Girton Recreation ground, Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge, CB3 0FH

This Course is for people who are looking to serve their Dojos and local communities by becoming a kendo Coach.  For a quick one-page guide to the programme, please click here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e7k6wpvt40cqegcroojjw/Kendo-Bu-Coaching-Program-Quick-Guide.docx?rlkey=nbdlmvicnb27wqhiiem5ybh59&dl=0

All relevant information pertaining to the Course can be found here (must read): https://www.britishkendoassociation.com/bka-kendo-coaching-course-for-coach-levels-1-and-2-in-cambridge-on-sunday-1st-october-2023/

Any queries should go to Frank Stojano at professor+bkacoachingcourse@stajano.com